You are here: STELUX » 45 - Salad bar » 4541 - Salad Bar - Octogonal - air ventilation
Salad Bar - Octogonal - air ventilation (Art.-No. 4541)
- Wood design - Cherry (other decor on request)
- Mobile on 6 wheels ø 75mm
- Frame completely made of
- 8 halogen spots
- Build in cooling aggregate R134a, 230 W
- Automatic defrosting
- Automatic evaporation of condensed water
- Frame decorated by laminated chipboard
- Granit decoration plate - 30mm thickness all around
- Well decorated by uni colored tiles 10 x 10mm
- 4 dressing dispenser
- Glassbowls diameter:
1 x ø 310mm
2 x ø 270mm
3 x ø 230mm
10 x ø 180mm - Illumination on the inside
- Tower decorated by mirrors
- Towertop decorated by laminated clipboard and equipped with lamps
- Sneeze guard on all 8 sides
- Stainless steel AISI 304 execution
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